NASCAR Penalizes DGR Crosley For NKNSP Test Violation

NASCAR issued a penalty to the No. 16 team in the NASCAR K&N Pro Series East Wednesday. Photo by Adam Glanzman/NASCAR

On Wednesday afternoon, NASCAR levied a penalty to DGR Crosley for violating the preseason testing policy.

The team was sanctioned for conducting a private test with a NASCAR K&N Pro Series East vehicle at New Smyrna Speedway. The rule limits testing at a sanctioned track on the 2019 NASCAR K&N Pro Series East schedule. This infraction resulted in a P6 level penalty.

The penalty carries a three-race NASCAR K&N Pro Series East suspension for car owner David Gilliland and driver Ty Gibbs. Car chief Chad Walters was suspended indefinitely.

Gilliland, Gibbs and Walters were also fined $5,000 apiece, and both owner and driver were docked 100 championship points.

The 2019 K&N Pro Series East season kicks off at New Smyrna Speedway on Sunday, February 10 for the New Smyrna 175. DGR Crosley won the K&N East championship last season with Tyler Ankrum.

The team announced via Twitter on Wednesday that they will appeal the ruling.

“This afternoon NASCAR made us aware of a penalty they are imposing for actions that occurred during an ARCA Racing Series test at New Smyrna Speedway on January 14. “We strongly believe that we did not violate any rules and will therefore appeal the penalty immediately. While the appeals process runs its course, we will move forward and keep our focus on the upcoming season.”


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